Conflict Coaching, Mediation, Facilitation, and Consulting Services

Dovetail works in a variety of areas. Areas of particular focus include workplace issues and the challenges faced by extended families and family enterprises.

Intergenerational and extended families can benefit from a range of services as they work together to preserve or restore harmony in their relationships. These families face challenges whenever emotions and money come together. Dovetail can help families in a wide range of areas, from prenup mediation to family business succession planning to estate planning and estate settlement. Dovetail is dedicated to providing experienced and individualized family business mediation and family wealth mediation.

A process that is tailored to your situation, with your particular goals and needs in mind, will help to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

In any case, it is possible to collaborate with other advisors to serve clients effectively or work alone.

Conflict Coaching

In 2018, I decided to expand my capacity to help people deal with conflict in ongoing, valued relationships, and started to learn how to be an effective conflict coach. I became certified as a CINERGY ® Conflict Management Coach in 2019. The CINERGY ® model uses a seven-step process that allows the coach to help the client become more competent and more confident in addressing interpersonal conflict. Working one-on-one, the coach assists the client in reaching the client’s goals regarding responses to conflict, preparing for challenging conversations, or whatever goals the clients chooses.  You can learn more about the CINERGY® model, conflict management coaching, and the learning and accreditation process for conflict coaches at


Engagement in a mediation process is typically triggered by a specific dispute or challenge. In mediation, a neutral third party with experience and education in mediation techniques works with those in conflict to craft a sound resolution to address their particular circumstances. Most people have heard about mediation in the context of litigation, especially when a couple wish to end a marriage. Mediation in the context of extended families, who usually do not want to sever ties, but instead want to move past the strife and the pain it is causing, is very different. A type of mediation called transformative mediation is especially well-suited for these situations.

Although mediation and arbitration are both known as alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes, a mediator’s role is distinct because a mediator does not impose a decision on the parties involved.


The facilitation process usually occurs when issues need to be addressed, decisions made, and plans developed and implemented. The facilitator, a trained individual, helps those involved to communicate effectively, maintain positive relationships, and move forward. The facilitator also manages and prevents conflicts. Facilitated family meetings can help build and strengthen bonds.

Consulting and Conflict Management Training

Consulting services can involve improving communications, developing and implementing governance policies and practices, and related areas. The focus is on listening carefully and working closely with the family; we do not rely on cookie cutter recommendations. Please inquire about customized conflict management training options.

Designing a process that works for you

Every situation is unique. We work with you to schedule convenient times and methods of working together: one-on-one and as a group.


Professional services can be provided on a project, retainer, or hourly basis.  Please inquire about your particular situation: we make every effort to work with you to accommodate your needs, including alternative arrangements.

Ethical Standards

Jane Beddall and Dovetail Resolutions adhere to the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) ethical principles for mediators and the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators. Additionally, Ms. Beddall and her firm adhere to the Statement of Values and Code of Ethics of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF).

Please note that Dovetail Resolutions, LLC is not a law firm and Ms. Beddall does not provide legal services through the firm.