What to look for in a mediator — Part II

Last time, I wrote about a recent article in the online version of “afrol News” that was titled: “DRC rebel leader wants Norwegian mediation.” The article discussed the advances that Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda has made towards the Norwegian government to help mediate the conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Although Dovetail Resolutions has a focus on business disputes, estate planning and settlement conflicts, and elder mediation, the comments made in the context of that violent conflict and humanitarian crisis have relevance for mediating any type of dispute.

Mr. Nkunda said that he wanted mediators he could trust and gave two reasons he felt that Norwegian mediators could be trusted to help in this conflict.

First, they have experience in peace mediation.  Their experience would be vital to helping them to mediate this conflict.

Second, Norway has very little economic or political stake in the country. Neutrality is a fundamental trait in a mediator.

Experience and neutrality are important qualities in a mediator — whatever the type of dispute.

Posted in Basics of Mediation and Conflict, Conflict Resolution in the News, Saturday, November 29th, 2008

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