Looking back and looking forward

As 2019 draws to a close, it seems appropriate to take a look back and a look forward.

The year just ending featured two especially important developments for me and for Dovetail Resolutions. First, I became certified as a Conflict Management Coach in the CINERGY (R) model. It is a powerful method to help individuals get better at handling conflict effectively.  It’s different from mediation because it is a one-on-one coaching model, based on executive coaching, conflict resolution, and neuroscience. I am delighted to be able to offer this service, in addition to mediation in ongoing, valued relationships — especially in workplaces, extended families, and the intersection of those: family businesses.

The second important development is a year of weekly podcasting, starting in January, 2019 and continuing through today and beyond.  As host and producer of Crafting Solutions to Conflict, I am committed to providing a positive and practical perspective on conflict. I firmly believe that conflict is not always negative; positive conflict can be the catalyst for innovation and growth. And negative conflict is neither inevitable nor insoluble. I have enjoyed presenting thoughts on topics and tips, as well as interviewing guests who have useful insights. And I welcome your suggestions for future topics or guests.

More to come in conflict coaching and in podcasting in 2020!

Posted in Dovetail News, Podcast, Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

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