Mediation Talk to New Haven, CT Estate Planning Attorneys

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of giving a talk on meditation to the New Haven (CT) County Bar Association’s Trusts, Estates, and Probate Committee.   The  group included attorneys at every level, from those new to the bar to those who had been in practice for many years. The presentation covered two areas. First, I covered some practical tips for conflict prevention, reduction, and resolution in estate planning and estate settlement. Then, I described scenarios (many of them very familiar to the lawyers present) where a mediator could help their clients in ways that the attorney could not easily do.  I attend these NHCBA Committee meetings often and know the group to be engaged and thoughtful in their discussions. So, it was very enjoyable to give them some useful information about mediation and conflict, as applied to the work that they do.

Posted in Dovetail News, Family Wealth Mediation, Sunday, October 31st, 2010

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