Negotiation, Arbitration, Mediation, and Connecticut Sports Talk

Last Monday, I had the pleasure of being an invited call-in guest on eastern Connecticut’s “Monday Night Sports Talk”, hosted by Tony D’Angelo and Bob Lazzari.  Tony and Bob asked me to share my conflict resolution perspective on various sports items in the news.  At the outset, Bob asked me to explain the difference among three “ations”, as  he put it: mediation, arbitration, and negotiation.  We then discussed the NFL players/owners dispute, the idea of Mario Cuomo as a mediator in the Mets owners/Madoff trustee dispute, how the resolution of the NFL conflict could affect upcoming baseball negotiations, and baseball arbitration. It was a lot of fun, though I did confess that my crystal ball was on the blink when asked to predict just how the NFL conflict would be resolved and when!

The show has just been posted. To watch, visit Charter Community Access TV, TV 14, click on Watch, then Monday Night Sports Talk for 3/14/11.

Posted in Conflict Resolution in the News, Dovetail News, Monday, March 21st, 2011

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