Mediator “self care”

On April 29, the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution held its annual meeting in Wellesley, MA and presented a program by Emily Gould of Empatia Resolutions, in Montpelier, VT. The annual meeting was brief, and at that time I ended my term as president and began a one-year term as secretary.

After the annual meeting, we moved on to the main event: Emily’s presentation, “The Oxygen Mask Principle: Self-care as skill-building for the dispute resolution practitioner.” Emily is an experienced attorney, conflict coach, trainer, and mediator. She provided a thought-provoking perspective on how a mediator can serve herself or himself as well as clients by becoming more mindful of the values and needs that underlie the interests that themselves underlie positions.

Posted in Conflict Resolution in the News, Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

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