Posts Tagged ‘estate planning conflicts’


My last post’s headline “grabbed” by contributor

I was surprised and delighted that the headline of my most recent blog post, The State of Connecticut Estate Planning, was “grabbed” by a contributor.  Check out Hani Sarji’s blog on estate planning issues and my headline on February 13 :  The blog, “Estate of Confusion”, captures blog posts that have covered estate […]

The State of Connecticut Estate Planning

A few days ago, the meeting of Estates and Probate Section of the Connecticut Bar Association focused on the state of estate planning now that changes in the federal estate tax have eliminated tax planning as a motivation for estate planning for many people. The take-away message was clear: apart from tax implications, reasons abound […]

Your “Big Picture” Year-End Review

As 2010 draws to a close, year-end reviews become popular. We’re all told to take a cold, hard look at where we are and where we need to go. Businesses are encouraged to examine where they can make marginal changes to improve their bottom line. Individuals are urged to pick one, small change that they […]

Alzheimer’s and Mediation

Today’s New York Times ran a front-page article titled, “Money Woes Can Be Early Clue to Alzheimer’s,” by Gina Kolata. In particular, the article focused on the impact of the beginning of dementia on families, financial advisors, and lawyers. Families struggle to keep their loved ones from becoming victims of fraud or simply failing to […]

Mediation Talk to New Haven, CT Estate Planning Attorneys

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of giving a talk on meditation to the New Haven (CT) County Bar Association’s Trusts, Estates, and Probate Committee.   The  group included attorneys at every level, from those new to the bar to those who had been in practice for many years. The presentation covered two areas. First, […]

Difficult Conversations About Estate Planning

Many, perhaps most, families find it difficult to talk about estate planning. Parents may be uncomfortable with the idea that their adult children would have any input in the planning process. Without that input, parents may make decisions that seem wise, but are based on mistaken beliefs and impressions.  Some may be uncomfortable informing their […]

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