Posts Tagged ‘Connecticut mediation’


Panelist on “Starting and Maintaining a Mediation Practice”

I’m looking forward to being a part of this Connecticut Mediation Association event. Join us!   Please join CTMA on Monday, May 20 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and a roundtable discussion on Starting and Maintaining a Mediation Practice featuring mediators with successful and varied mediation practices.       “Starting and Maintaining a Mediation […]

“Bar Chat” interview about Mediation, ADR

On June 1, 2105, the Connecticut Bar Association published a new episode of “Bar Chat”, its series of interviews about issues of interest to bar association members.  That segment featured Peter Benner, a former chair of the CBA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section, and me, a former co-chair. We were interviewed by Doug Brown, executive […]

“Why every attorney should consider ADR” — my article published in the Conn. Law Tribune

On February 26, 2014, the Connecticut Law Tribune published my article, “Why every attorney should consider ADR.”  As I hope the title suggests, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an option that every attorney should consider — not just those in specific practice areas where mediation and arbitration have been common for some time. Sometimes, clients […]

“Getting to Yes or Getting to No Quickly”

Several weeks ago, Connecticut Gov. Malloy was quoted as using the phrase “Getting to Yes or Getting to No Quickly.” He was applying this idea to the state’s foreclosure mediation program. Gov. Malloy was talking about the value of having consistent participants in each case, instead of a rotating cast of representatives of banks who […]

Connecticut Mediation 2011

At year’s end, it’s time to look back at the biggest story for Connecticut mediation in 2011.  A few months ago, the Judicial Branch, faced with the challenge of meeting its budget restrictions, decided to cut funding for mediation services provided by not-for-profits in the Superior Court. The defunding was a tough hit for the […]

Joe Brummer on New Haven, Connecticut Mediation

Joe Brummer, the associate executive director of Community Mediation, Inc., a New Haven, CT non-profit, was featured in the New Haven Register last week. In “A little mediation goes a long way”, Jim Shelton aptly described Joe as a “master mediator” who says: “We can mediate anything.” Though Joe has been a mediator for years, […]

“Holidays and Tough Conversations”

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking on “Holidays and Tough Conversations” at The Hearth at Tuxis Pond in Madison, CT.  It’s a timely topic: when families gather for the holidays they may find that family situations have changed since they last gathered: a loved one may be more frail, a caregiving plan in […]

New Haven’s Community Mediation, Inc.’s Zampano awards

Earlier this month, New Haven’s Community Mediation, Inc. presented its annual Honorable Robert C. Zampano Awards for Excellence in Mediation. This year, the winners were federal Magistrate Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons and attorney Richard A. Bieder.  Both of this year’s winners had direct experience with the late Judge Zampano, an early advocate of mediation. In […]

Election to Board of Directors of Assn. for Conflict Resolution (ACR) — New England Chapter

I am honored and humbled by my election to the Board of Directors of the New England Chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution.   The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is the international professional organization for mediators. The New England Chapter of ACR  (NE-ACR) serves mediators (as well as facilitators and arbitrators) in the New […]

Lions, Lambs, and Mediation Misconceptions

We’ve all heard about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Some think — mistakenly — that mediation is the same.  They avoid mediation because they fear they are expected to come into it like a lion, in strength,  and finish the process like a lamb, in weakness. In fact, […]

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