Posts Tagged ‘Connection mediation’


Elder Medation talk at Fowler Nursing Center- Postponed

I was scheduled to speak at Fowler Nursing Center, Guilford, CT on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 7:00.  That talk has been postponed as a precaution against H1N1.  As Connecticut shoreline residents know, Guilford has been hard hit by H1N1.  So many students have been struck by it, that school administrators decided to close  Guilford […]

“He Shouldn’t Have to be Told…”

A few days ago, a party to a conflict described to me the root of the problem, from this person’s perspective: “He shouldn’t have to be told; he should know.”   This concept is a common one in conflicts involving people with ongoing relationships:  business partners or co-workers, families struggling to manage jointly-held assets, families grappling […]

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